Tricot - A N D - CD (Japanese Pressing)
by tricot
$10.00 / On Sale
Review from Sputnik Music:
The phrase “sophomore slump” obviously doesn’t exist in Tricot’s vocabulary. This is a band that’s really taken an effort to find themselves and find what exactly they want to do with their sound. This is a band that’s taking some risks taking a decidedly darker tone than with their debut, but it works splendidly here. Tricot said they wrote the first single, Break, as a kind of curtain call for their old selves, making way for a matured, better Tricot. It’s an excellent way to play off the album after all of the growth they’ve shown in the earlier 11 tracks. Tricot has come really far from where they first started in those first couple EP’s and it's obvious here that they’re only just getting started.
Album Title: AND
Artist: tricot
Format: CD
Label: Bakuretsu Records
Release 2015
2. 走れ
3. E
4. 色の無い水槽
5. 神戸ナンバー
6. 消える
7. ぱい~ん (A N D ver.)
8. 食卓
9. 庭
10. CBG
11. QFF
12. Break